Genealogy Tours

Genealogy Tours

Have you sometimes had a hankering to “walk the land” that your family ancestors came from?  Would you like to share that experience with your family circle – especially the younger members?

The family circle is very important to us all and the understanding of our family ancestors’ origins can only be maintained when shared with all; young and old.

Call Barbara

I can take you on that trip of a lifetime, that “personal family tour” to visit townlands, homesteads and churchyards or wherever you have something of your Irish family.

Why not make this a memorable genealogy tour where you and your family can all share together the culture and lifestyle of your very own family ancestors who left the shores of Ireland for a new life in America, Canada, England or Australia to name but a few.

Think about it and send me over some information and ideas on your family and I will plan and take you all on a complete “Genealogy Site Tour” for your family circle.

In every family circle throughout the world there is always one member who is the “family organiser” – the one who holds that family together through thick and thin. If you are that person then this information is for you – if not please pass it on to that all important family member.


Meet Biddy

I am a true Northern Irish person born and bred here and delighted to share my homeland with you.

I am a local accredited guide experienced in working as a step-on-guide for visiting coaches to the top attractions namely Belfast City (warts and all), Giants Causeway, Antrim Coast, Armagh – St Patrick’s chosen city and more!

The University of Life has left me with a lot to talk about! Come and join me in a lively interactive tour.

See you soon!

Learn more about me