The ancient City of Armagh sits right on my doorstep!
Growing up in County Armagh and still living in the County certainly has made my job as a “local” guide for this small county very interesting.
Every Spring I travel over the County searching out of-the-beaten easy routes with hidden gems unassumingly producing good local food to share with the visitors.
While the numbers of visitors to Northern Ireland has grown dramatically over the past few years I know I have hidden gems of places with stories and songs of their own here in County Armagh – just 40 minutes from the buzz and brash of the Capital City of Belfast. Places where the locals love to stop and share their life stories with visitors – mind you they might ask you some pretty personal questions too!
It’s into these places where the real people of Northern Ireland were born into and where their ancestors lived for generations before them. People well rooted in the land of their ancestors.
Pubs, café’s and churches all with a welcoming smile and an inquisitive note as to why you should come to their wee corner of Ireland.
We’re not brash about publicising that Armagh City was Saint Patrick’s Chosen City and that today we have two cathedrals in the city both called Saint Patrick’s Cathedrals!
The hills of Armagh City sometimes referred to as the Seven Hills all flaunt a building linked back into the past – indeed just over the hills of the City lies the ancient mound of Navan Fort.
Truth be known there is a story lingering on every hill in this ancient drumlin County of Armagh.
As the postcard says “WISH YOU WERE HERE!”
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Meet Biddy
I am a true Northern Irish person born and bred here and delighted to share my homeland with you.
I am a local accredited guide experienced in working as a step-on-guide for visiting coaches to the top attractions namely Belfast City (warts and all), Giants Causeway, Antrim Coast, Armagh – St Patrick’s chosen city and more!
The University of Life has left me with a lot to talk about! Come and join me in a lively interactive tour.
See you soon!
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